Wonder Woman Heroes Edition Nendoroid 818 Review

G’day Everyone! Today I’m reviewing and unboxing Nendoroid number 818: Wonder Woman Heroes Edition. If you’d like to watch my review, you can check it out on my YouTube channel or watch it below.

Wonder Woman is a DC Comics super hero and is a founding member of the Justice League, a goddess, and Ambassador-at-Large of the Amazon people. Talk about a “wonder”ful woman 😛



This design is based from the film by Warner Bros. in the major motion picture, Wonder Woman and was a huge box office success.


The box looks very patriotic and clean upon first glance; with red, white, blue, and gold colors all working together which have a hint to the 1940s, which is when Wonder Woman was created. On the sides of the box are different pose examples that you can assemble using the included accessories.

Inside the box, the background has Wonder Woman’s logo as seen in the movie with a light cloudy backdrop behind it. It actually looks really nice when the box is empty!


Wonder Woman, also known as Diana, appears to have just one level of packaging and it’s not looking like there are a whole lot of accessories for her.

She does come with an instruction booklet which lists all the parts included and how to attach her to the base and change out her face. She has a few sheets of plastic around her parts to make sure everything stays pristine while she’s traveling in the box. It really makes a difference because the paint job on this Nendoroids is so impressive and detailed.

Something unique about this nendoriod is all of the easy-to-move joints. Because of this we can pose her in really intricate ways compared to the usual Nendoroid. I bet that will come in handy for some of her battle poses. It looks like we can freely move her feet, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, torso, and neck. That’s so cool!

She’s so detailed! I like how the lasso of truth on her hip is flexible so there is no worry of it breaking off. Her skirt is flexible too, that really helps make the armor look more wearable and realistic. 

I can’t get over how many possibilities there are for poses! She is so much fun to play with.

Her brunette hair looks really good too. It’s not just a flat color, it actually has some depth to it which is quite nice. Her wavy hair is so pretty

Wonder Woman really doesn’t have a lot of accessories, but she does come with one extra facial expression that changes her from serious to intense serious/angry/fighting.


She also comes with the lasso of truth also known as the magic lasso or lasso of Hestia. It forces anyone it’s captured to submit, obey the wielder, and tell the truth.

wonder woman nendoroid shield

Her shield is really detailed and looks so awesome! I love the detailed etching on the face of the shield. You can easily attach this to either arm using the clip on the back.

And now for one of my favorites, the sword! It is so detailed and tiny! It’s sturdy and even has a pointy tip! Check out the hilt on this thing!

Here we have Diana’s famous crossed arm look where her bracelets can be shown off. They seem to be indestructible and able to block attacks, deflect projectiles, and absorb forces from falling. This move was one of my favorites from the movie.

Now for the tiniest accessory! Her teeny hands! They are so small that they have been protected behind a seal of tape so they don’t get lost. I would recommend keeping the tape to keep them secured while not in use. They are so itty bitty! These are so she can hold onto the lasso and sword.

As usual, we have the normal clear Nendoroid stand which also has the extra joint with the always fun, GoodSmile happy face. There is an additional clear plastic piece that can be used to store the sword and shield behind Wonder Woman. The cool thing is you can store just one or both at the same time. That’s a nice touch.

And that about does it for everything in the box, so lets see just how awesome we can get Wonder Woman to look.

Pose Examples

Right out of the box, Wonder Woman has a very strong and powerful presence about her. Even in the most basic stance of standing she exudes an aura of confidence and intimidation. All while looking gorgeous too!

Give some weapons to her and you really don’t want to be on her bad side! She just looks so cool! I love how they’ve been able to capture her strong and capable demeanor. With these poses, she gives off the feeling that she is quietly observing but completely ready to take action whenever necessary.

Now she’s really into it! By switching her expression to the even more serious and aggressive face she now looks like she’s in the heat of battle ready to take down whatever is in her way. I especially love the pose where it looks like she just slid into action on her shins, it gives a great sense of an epic adventure.

One of Wonder Woman’s iconic weapons is her lasso of truth. When we combine her aggressive expression with the lasso and maybe a bit of a bend to her legs, she looks ready to capture a foe for interrogation.

My second favorite pose is when she has her arms crossed for a super powerful defensive move. This move was so much fun to watch in the movie and it’s kind of astounding how effective these cuff bracelets are. Bullets, projectiles, THE MIDDLE OF AN ACTIVE BATTLEIELD… they are no match for Wonder Womans defenses.


Wonder Woman really is wonderful, I loved the movie and I really like how this Nendoroid represents her. The addition of her free-moving joints works really well for getting into fun fighting poses.  

This set doesn’t come with a whole lot of accessories or expressions, but the two that are included fit the fighting aesthetic well. I do wish there was another facial expression, I personally would have liked to see a happy or smirking Diana. The arms, lasso, sword, and shield are essential accessories and are done really well and due to all the movable joints, you can achieve a lot of poses and looks. Something fun I didn’t notice before was that you can actually remove the lasso from her hip! That is great for when she’s actually holding it ready for use. I also really like the look of her armor and how it has flexibility to it. It’s so detailed and the paint job is phenomenal.

Despite the lack of facial expressions and accessories, I’m giving this Nendoriod a “love” and would recommend her to anyone who enjoys Super Heroes, Wonder Woman, strong women role models, or Nendoroids.


Thank you so much for checking out my review. Your kindness and support means so much and I am forever thankful. Remember to follow your own dreams and until next time… Take care <3 


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