About BelleAim

G'Day Everyone!

I’m BelleAim and as you can probably tell… I have many passions! Kind of a jack of all trades deal. I would say my biggest interests fall into the categories of gaming/geekery, self care, travel, family, spirituality, and seeing things improve.

My biggest drive is spreading joy and positivity in whatever I do. I think the world really needs a light and if we all do our best to shine, the world can be a brighter place.

mario square





Voice work


Self Care

Feng Shui








My Story

Still here? Awesome! Thanks for hanging out! So a little more about me? Well, from a very young age our family has always been moving. I’ve actually never lived anywhere more than 6 years! Because of that I’ve traveled many places and experienced different wonderful cultures and customs. This is where my love for learning, language, travel, and culture started!

My passion for creation also started very young when I became interested in several different types of hobbies and crafts. My mom taught me how to sew at age 3!

My love for nature and excitement grew from always wanting to explore the woods around our house and I spent many wonderful days riding my bike exploring. One fond North Carolina memory is riding my bike during the eye of a hurricane!

I’ve always loved having fun and board games drew me in right away. Unfortunately, my family wasn’t really into them so that passion cultivated much later in life. Video games really took hold for me around the age of 9 when we got our first computer and the rest is history!

twitter, tweet, twitter bird


Twitter is my most-used social media platform. Follow for updates and personal posts.


Photography, pets, nature, food... Anything that catches my eye can pop up here!


Welcome to the BelleAim community where we talk all things gaming.


The official BelleAim FB page. Here you can find all sorts of updates including videos photos and creations.


Thank you so much for considering to help support my quest in bringing more positivity to the world! Every little bit helps and is genuinely appreciated. Thank you!