Okami HD (Nintendo Switch)

G’day everyone! BelleAim here and today we begin a new journey! I got this game for the Wii a long time ago but never got past the main field area due to going to college and not having the time. But now it’s time to experience this gorgeous game for all its glory! In stunning HD! The colors are vivid, the art style is beautiful and crispy… it blows the Wii version I last saw WAY out of the water!


Thank you so much for stopping in, I can’t wait to see how this wonderful game unfolds.

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You can also help by shopping at Amazon through this link: https://amzn.to/2zMI3jE

Thank you so much! 😀

*Want to buy Okami HD for the Switch? https://amzn.to/2MMuuTu


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